How to change TikTok username

How to change TikTok username?

Tiktok is a versatile platform that has multiple videos and trends associated with it. Social media is full of talents from all around the world. TikTok is full of gen-z mostly that has introduced so many trends on a regular basis that an influencer can earn a lot via just that. It is not a complicated method but in few simple steps, you can learn the basics of how to change the TikTok username. This post walks you through some of the basics so you can use the app in a better way.

Also, check out the detailed list of Amazon Finds.

How to create a TikTok account?

Before we tell you how to change TikTok username, you need to know how to create an account. That is the basics because if you have no clue then how would you go about it? To make a TikTok account you need to be over 13 years of age. Additionally, you should know that TikTok takes the online privacy of children very seriously. The accounts under the age of 16 years are all on default privacy. Additionally, virtual gifts during live calls are reserved for those who are over the threshold age and have more than 1000 followers. Before you begin your journey as a TikTok star, these are just a few things that you should know about. The following are the steps to making a TikTok account;

  • Go to google play store or App Store to download Tiktok
  • Once you open the app, go towards the “me” section
  • Here onwards click the “Sign Up” button
  • There you will see a variety of options like logging up with either an email or phone number, Facebook, Twitter, or Google account.
  • Choose your pick from these options
  • and viola! you have a TikTok account now

Basic rules for a TikTok username 

When making a social media account, one thing is for sure. You need to keep in mind that your user name is a public interface. Anyone can see it so there are certain rules that you should be abiding by, in order to keep your privacy and uniqueness preserved.

  • Your username should not be your email address. These are two different entities because the first step to hacking begins with a username. Try to be innovative with what you come up with.
  • Try not to be too conspicuous on TikTok with your username giving out your full name, phone number, or maybe your address. Try experimenting with including your city or country but not more discrete than that.
  • Until you want to brand yourself, there is no need to use a unique username everywhere. Especially on accounts that are not public.
  • Do not ever make a username that depicts your password. It is risky and never worth it

Can you change your username on TikTok?

Well, of course, you can, that is why we are here discussing with you how to change TikTok username. It is absolutely possible for you to have a change of heart as we all do. After the initial years at a certain platform have passed, each one of us craves to change that username. Sometimes it is because of maturity, other times it is because the application has changed its policy. However, be aware of the fact that some apps have a hardwired system that may not allow you to ever change your username. So pick your identity wisely.

How to change TikTok username

A lot of times the struggles of life mold the way we think about a lot of things. That includes our taste in the username as well. You may start off with a fictional character name on your first Facebook account and realize after a year or two, that is not who you are. Truth be told? None of us is under any obligation to be what we were years ago, days ago, or even awhile ago. Changing your username is normal but if you are new to the app, you might find it difficult. That’s precisely where we help you to figure out how to change TikTok username. It is a simple process, really. Not any rocket science and we can help you get better. 

 Logging in

Log-in to the application with your current username and password. 



Click “me” to open your TikTok profile. This icon is located at the lower right corner of your phone. Just beneath your display picture, you will be able to see the option for editing your profile. 


Click on your existing username to change it. 

Erase the old one

You will have to erase your current name posted in your profile. Then you will be typing your new one in the space provided. 

Save it all

Click on the “save” option that is visible on your screen now. 


Now, you know how to change TikTok username. Let’s move on to the other side of this picture which is that TikTok makes sure that through its database there is no doppelganger user present. If the name has been used previously, you will be prompted to make another choice. That can be tricky and in order to avoid encountering this situation, you need to select a username in the first place that is unique. One more thing that is worth remembering is the fact that TikTok does not allows you to change your name before 30 days. So, be sure to not make a typing error or a change of heart that will affect you. Make a wise choice and viola! Now you know how to change TikTok username. 

Why is a username important?

A username is a must-have when you make an online presence. It allows your friends to find you and identify you as there being literally millions of users in one app at the same time. That is precisely why every social media account that you have ever made requires you to select a different one. A unique username sets your pace apart from the rest. 

The element with a username is that it allows no mischievous trolls of the internet to harass you. This also ensures privacy and security. You wouldn’t want your friends adding the wrong person just because you are doppelgangers by name. That is annoying and ultimately frustrating. Spams on all social media accounts are common. It is imperative that one opts for a name that is unique in its essence just like you are as a person. 

Just like in real life when you look at someone their facial features, their physique is the first thing that catches your attention. Similarly, on an online platform, the thing that grabs the attention of those around you is your username. It is important that your username is not much different than who you are as a person. If it is decent and sober, people will take you seriously. However, if it is the other way around, things may not be in your favor as such. 

Tips for a good username 

Since now you know that a username is important. We believe you might want to know a few tips and tricks to land you a good one. Now that is not as easy as it sounds. Since you are stepping into the world of social media. It’s a dazzling wonder in itself and truly charismatic. Truth be told, it’s all a façade, really. Doesn’t matters who you are on the inside as long as you manage to grasp their attention with your story. Your username depicts your story and that should be worth telling. That is how you gain an audience especially if you aspire to be a sensation or you are a brand that is looking for re-branding via social media platforms. That is a good decision and these tips that we are about to quote will help you take your game a notch higher.


First, consider having consistency in your approach. A user who goes for a different name on every platform will lose a lot. That is precisely because people like consistency when it comes to their inspirational figures. The same applies to brands as well that have a physical and social media presence. Two different names wouldn’t make much sense to anyone, literally. Secondly, remember that in the real world, potential job officials are often looking at your username. They will be much impressed if your username is a bit woke/mature. Third, be sure that the username you are picking will be tolerable in the future. You wouldn’t want it being a label for the rest of your life. 

Summing it up..

There is no age limit associated with TikTok, the life hacks and trends are life saviors. These make life much more modified and simple. However, if you are over the age of 25 then you would need tips on how to change TikTok username. We hope that our simple post helped you with modifying your social media presence. Anyone new at any platform needs little life hacks. It is normal and completely basic to do just that. Don’t forget that username is one way to connect with people as it depicts your personality and helps dictate what you stand for in your life. 


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