best glasses for round face and big nose

Discover the Best Glasses for Round Face and Big Nose

Finding the perfect glasses for a round face and big nose can be a daunting task. The right frame size, lens width, bridge width, bridge shape, frame shape, pad height, color, and frame thickness all contribute to selecting glasses that are both flattering and comfortable. By considering these important factors, you can enhance your confidence while minimizing the appearance of a big nose.

Key Takeaways:

  • Choosing the right glasses involves considering various factors like frame size, lens width, bridge width, bridge shape, and frame thickness.
  • Wide frames can help make facial features, including the nose, appear smaller.
  • Bridge width and shape are essential in achieving a balanced and flattering look.
  • Frame shape plays a significant role in making a big nose appear smaller.
  • Color and frame thickness can affect the overall appearance of a big nose.

Frame Size

When it comes to choosing glasses for a round face and big nose, frame size plays a crucial role. Most glasses have their dimensions labeled on the inner surface of the frame, typically on the temples. These dimensions include lens width, bridge width, and temple length. Understanding these sizes is important in determining the comfort and fit of the glasses, ensuring the right balance for round faces and big noses.

Standard sizing for frames can vary, but it is typically expressed in millimeters (mm). The lens width measures the horizontal width of each lens, while the bridge width indicates the distance between the lenses, over the bridge of the nose. Temple length refers to the length of the arms that extend behind the ears. It’s important to find frames with the appropriate dimensions to ensure a comfortable fit and proper alignment on the face.

Consider the dimensions that work best for your face shape and size. Frame sizes can vary, so it’s essential to try on different options and consult with a skilled optician, who can provide guidance based on your individual features. By finding the right frame size, you can ensure optimal comfort and a flattering look for your round face and big nose.

Frame Size Lens Width (mm) Bridge Width (mm) Temple Length (mm)
Small Up to 49 Up to 19 Up to 140
Medium 50-54 20-21 140-145
Large 55-59 22-23 145-150
X-Large 60+ 24+ 150+

Table: Frame Sizes and Dimensions

Lens Width

When choosing glasses for a round face and big nose, finding the right lens width is crucial. Wide frames can help make all facial features, including the nose, look smaller. However, it’s important to avoid frames that are too wide or too narrow. Oversized frames may slide down or have temples that are too long, causing discomfort and constant adjustments. On the other hand, narrow frames can make the head appear wider and the nose even bigger. Finding the right lens width is key to achieving a balanced and flattering look.

When considering lens width, it’s essential to try on different sizes and see how they complement your face shape. A general rule of thumb is to look for frames that are slightly wider than the widest part of your face. This will create a harmonious balance and draw attention away from the nose. Remember, the goal is to enhance your features, not highlight any perceived flaws.

Lens Width Frame Type Effect
Wide Oversized frames Makes all facial features look smaller, including the nose
Narrow Skinny frames Can make the head appear wider and the nose bigger

Remember, the frame size and lens width are just a starting point. It’s essential to consider other factors, such as bridge width, bridge shape, frame shape, pad height, color, and frame thickness, to find the perfect glasses for your round face and big nose. Take the time to try on different styles, consult with opticians, and ultimately choose frames that make you feel confident and comfortable.

lens width

Key Takeaways:

  • Wide frames can help make all facial features look smaller, including the nose.
  • Avoid frames that are too wide or too narrow to maintain a balanced and flattering look.
  • Try on different sizes to find frames that complement your face shape.
  • Consider other factors, such as bridge width, shape, frame shape, pad height, color, and frame thickness.

Bridge Width

When it comes to choosing glasses for a round face and big nose, the bridge width is a crucial consideration. The right bridge size can ensure a comfortable fit and enhance the overall appearance of the glasses. For those with a wide nose, a frame with a wide bridge is recommended to provide ample support and stability. On the other hand, individuals with a narrow nose may benefit from a narrower bridge to ensure a snug fit.

A wider bridge can help to balance out the proportions of a round face and minimize the focus on the nose. Conversely, a narrower bridge can create the illusion of a smaller nose. It’s important to note that bridge widths can vary based on factors such as age, gender, and ethnicity, so it’s advisable to consider personal preferences and consult with a skilled optician for the best fit.

Wide Bridge Narrow Bridge
A wide bridge provides ample support and stability A narrow bridge creates the illusion of a smaller nose
Enhances the overall appearance of the glasses Minimizes the focus on the nose
Suits individuals with a wide nose Suits individuals with a narrow nose

Choosing the right bridge width can make a significant difference in finding glasses that flatter a round face and big nose. Consider your nose width and overall facial features to determine whether a wide or narrow bridge is more suitable. Remember, comfort and confidence go hand in hand when it comes to selecting the perfect glasses.

Bridge Shape

The bridge shape of glasses is an important consideration when choosing frames for a round face and big nose. The right bridge shape can enhance your facial features and create a flattering look. There are two common bridge shapes that can have different effects on the appearance of your nose: keyhole bridges and saddle bridges.

Keyhole Bridges

Keyhole bridges have a gap in the center, resembling the shape of a keyhole. This unique design creates the illusion of space and can make the nose appear smaller. By providing a break in the middle of the bridge, keyhole bridges draw attention away from the nose and help create a more balanced look.

Saddle Bridges

Saddle bridges, on the other hand, have little to no gap at the top. These bridges hug the nose closely, giving a tighter fit. While saddle bridges can be comfortable and secure, they may accentuate the size of a big nose. It’s important to consider how the frame rests on your nose and choose a bridge shape that complements your facial features.

When selecting glasses, take into account your personal preferences, face shape, and the effect you want to achieve. Experimenting with different bridge shapes can help you find the perfect glasses that enhance your overall appearance and minimize the focus on your nose.

Bridge Shape Description
Keyhole Bridges Bridges with a gap resembling a keyhole, creating the illusion of space and making the nose appear smaller.
Saddle Bridges Bridges with little to no gap at the top, giving a tighter fit and potentially making the nose look larger.

Frame Shape

When it comes to choosing glasses for a round face and big nose, frame shape plays a significant role in achieving a balanced and flattering look. The right frame shape can help blend the nose with the rest of the face, minimizing its prominence. For individuals with a large nose, round glasses are an excellent choice. The soft, curved lines of round frames create a harmonious effect, drawing attention away from the nose and highlighting other facial features. Round glasses can add a touch of sophistication and style to any look.

On the other hand, angular frames with straight edges are not the best option for those with a big nose. These frames can draw attention to the nose, making it appear larger. It’s important to choose frame shapes that complement your facial features and minimize the focus on the nose. Opt for round glasses to achieve a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

To further enhance the effect of round glasses, consider choosing frames that have a slightly wider and taller lens. This can help further blend the nose with the rest of the face, creating a more seamless look. Additionally, frames with a slightly thicker rim can provide a bolder and more confident aesthetic. By carefully selecting the right frame shape, you can ensure that your glasses flatter your round face and minimize the appearance of a big nose.

frame shape


  • Round glasses are the ideal choice for individuals with a round face and big nose, as they blend the nose with the rest of the face.
  • Angular frames with straight edges can draw attention to the nose, making it appear larger.
  • Choosing frames with slightly wider and taller lenses can enhance the blending effect and create a more seamless look.
  • Frames with a slightly thicker rim can provide a bolder and more confident aesthetic.

Table: Frame Shape Comparison

Frame Shape Effect on Nose Appearance
Round Glasses Blends the nose with the rest of the face
Angular Frames Draws attention to the nose, making it appear larger

Pad Height

When choosing glasses for a round face and big nose, it’s crucial to consider the pad height. The nose pads of a frame play an important role in how the glasses rest on the face, providing both comfort and stability. For individuals with a large or narrow nose, finding the right pad height is essential to ensure a proper fit and minimize any discomfort.

Nose pads come in different sizes and can be adjustable or fixed. Adjustable pads allow for customization, providing the ability to raise or lower the frame as needed to accommodate different nose shapes and sizes. Fixed pads, on the other hand, offer a stable fit that is not easily adjustable but can be an excellent option for individuals with a more standard nose shape. Ultimately, the choice between adjustable and fixed pads depends on personal preference and the specific needs of the individual.

Consulting a skilled optician or frame maker can be incredibly beneficial when determining the appropriate pad height. They can guide you in finding the right frame with the correct pad width or make necessary adjustments to ensure a comfortable and well-fitting pair of glasses.

Table: Adjustable vs. Fixed Nose Pads

Adjustable Nose Pads Fixed Nose Pads
Can be customized to fit different nose shapes and sizes Provide a stable fit that is not easily adjustable
Offer flexibility in raising or lowering the frame for optimal comfort Provide a consistent fit that may be more suitable for standard nose shapes
Allow for fine-tuning and adjustments Require minimal maintenance and adjustments once fitted

As you explore different glasses options, don’t overlook the importance of pad height. Finding the right pad height can significantly impact the fit, comfort, and overall satisfaction with your glasses. Consider the shape and size of your nose, and consult a professional when needed to ensure you find a frame that not only looks great but also fits perfectly.


The color of the frame can play a significant role in the overall appearance of a big nose. By carefully selecting the right frame color, you can draw attention away from the nose and create a visually appealing look. One approach is to choose frames that contrast with your skin tone, hair color, or eye color. Contrasting frames can create a focal point on other areas of the face and divert attention from the nose.

For example, individuals with fair skin tone and light-colored hair can opt for darker frames, such as black or tortoise, to create a bold contrast that draws attention to the eyes. On the other hand, individuals with darker skin tone or hair can experiment with lighter frame colors, such as metallic or translucent frames, to create a subtle contrast and add a touch of sophistication to the overall look.

Another strategy is to choose frames with differently colored temples. This design element can create contrast and visually pull attention towards the eyes and the sides of the glasses frame. It can help distribute focus away from the nose, making it less prominent.

frame color

Frame Color Tips:

  • Contrasting frame colors can draw attention away from the nose
  • Choose frames that complement your skin tone, hair color, or eye color
  • Consider frames with differently colored temples for added contrast

“The right frame color can enhance your features and minimize the appearance of a big nose, creating a harmonious and flattering look.” – Eyewear Expert

Frame Thickness

When selecting glasses for a round face and big nose, the thickness of the frame is an important consideration. Thick frames can be a powerful asset in minimizing the prominence of a big nose. The bold and chunky design of these frames helps to draw attention away from the nose and towards the eyes, making them the focal point.

For individuals looking to make a statement and exude confidence, solid acetate frames are an excellent choice. They provide robustness and durability while adding a touch of style to your overall look. Additionally, rimless frames can be an option for those who prefer a more subtle and understated appearance. These frames tend to blend in with the face, minimizing the focus on the nose.

Ultimately, the thickness of the frame should align with your personal style and preferences. Whether you opt for bold and thick frames or choose the simplicity of rimless frames, the goal is to find glasses that not only flatter your features but also enhance your confidence.

frame thickness

Table: Frame Thickness Comparison

Frame Type Thickness Style
Bold and Chunky Frames Thick Exudes confidence and draws attention away from the nose
Solid Acetate Frames Thick Provides robustness and durability, adds style
Rimless Frames Thin Subtle and understated, blends in with the face


Choosing the perfect pair of glasses for a round face and big nose can be a daunting task, but with the right guidance, it becomes much easier. By considering factors such as frame size, lens width, bridge width, bridge shape, frame shape, pad height, color, and frame thickness, you can find flattering frames that minimize the appearance of your nose.

Remember, the key is to find a balance that highlights your best features while diverting attention from your nose. Experiment with different frame shapes and colors to find what suits you best. Consider frames that blend with your facial features rather than contrasting with them, as this can help create a harmonious look.

Look for frames that have wide lenses and a bridge shape that complements your nose. Pay attention to the frame’s thickness and opt for bolder styles that draw focus away from the nose. Lastly, don’t forget to choose colors that flatter your complexion and enhance your overall appearance.

With these tips in mind, you can confidently select the best glasses for a round face and big nose. Say goodbye to feeling self-conscious and hello to frames that not only improve your vision but also boost your confidence. Embrace your unique features and let your glasses showcase your amazing personality!


What factors should I consider when choosing glasses for a round face and big nose?

When choosing glasses for a round face and big nose, consider factors such as frame size, lens width, bridge width, bridge shape, frame shape, pad height, color, and frame thickness. These factors play a role in achieving a flattering look while minimizing the appearance of a big nose.

How do I determine the right frame size for my face?

To determine the right frame size for your face, look for dimensions labeled on the inner surface of the frame, typically on the temples. These dimensions include lens width, bridge width, and temple length. Understanding these sizes helps ensure comfort and fit, creating a balanced look for round faces and big noses.

Can wide frames help make a big nose appear smaller?

Yes, wide frames can help make all facial features, including the nose, look smaller. However, it’s important to find a frame that is not too wide or too narrow. Oversized frames may cause discomfort and constant adjustments, while narrow frames can make the head appear wider and the nose even bigger. Finding the right lens width is key to achieving a balanced and flattering look.

What role does bridge width play in choosing glasses for a big nose?

Bridge width is crucial for individuals with a big nose. It’s important to find a bridge size that fits well with the upper maxilla and nasal bones on either side of the nose. Manufacturers tend to make adult frames with a bridge around 20mm, but bridge widths can vary based on age, gender, and ethnicity. Consider the bridge shape that best suits your nose to enhance the overall appearance of your glasses.

How does the shape of the bridge impact the appearance of a big nose?

The shape of the bridge can have an impact on the appearance of a big nose. Keyhole bridges, with a gap resembling a keyhole, create the illusion of space and make the nose seem smaller. Saddle bridges, on the other hand, hug the nose with little to no gap at the top, giving a tighter fit and making the nose look larger. Pay attention to how the frame rests and choose a bridge shape that complements your nose for the most flattering effect.

What frame shape is best for minimizing the appearance of a big nose?

Round glasses can help blend the nose rather than contrasting with it, making them aesthetically flattering for individuals with a large nose. Angular frames with straight edges, on the other hand, can draw attention to the nose and may not harmonize with its shape. Opt for frame shapes that complement your facial features and minimize the focus on the nose.

How do nose pads affect the fit of glasses for a big nose?

The nose pads of a frame help determine how the glasses rest on the face. It’s important to consider the pad height, especially for individuals with a large or narrow nose. Pads that are too narrow can pinch the nose and make the frame sit high on the brow, while enlarged pads can be added for narrow or long noses to prevent the frame from resting on the cheeks. Choose a frame with the appropriate pad width or consult a skilled optician or frame maker for adjustments.

What colors should I consider for glasses that flatter a big nose?

The color of the frame can have a significant impact on the overall appearance of a big nose. Strongly contrasting frame colors can draw attention away from the nose and emphasize the eyes. Stark colors, such as black, can take center stage and enhance confidence. Additionally, frames with differently colored temples can create contrast and visually pull attention towards the eyes and the sides of the glasses frame. Consider frame colors that flatter your complexion and help reduce the appearance of a big nose.

Can frame thickness affect the prominence of a big nose?

Yes, the thickness of the frame can be a powerful asset in minimizing the prominence of a big nose. Bold and chunky frames can help “quiet” the nose and make the eyes the main attraction. Solid acetate frames provide robustness and exude confidence. Rimless frames, on the other hand, tend to blend in rather than stand out. Opt for frames that align with your personal style and allow your glasses to make a statement while minimizing the focus on your nose.

How can I choose the best glasses for a round face and big nose?

Choosing the best glasses for a round face and big nose requires considering various factors, such as frame size, lens width, bridge width, bridge shape, frame shape, pad height, color, and frame thickness. By finding the right balance and complementing your features, you can achieve a flattering look that minimizes the appearance of a big nose. Remember to consider your face shape, try different styles, and use color and frame features to draw attention away from the nose. With the right glasses, you can elevate your look and enhance your confidence.

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